The Safehouse- Our Final Opening Sequence

Preliminary Exercise

Sunday, March 28, 2010

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Brief for Preliminary Exercise
To create a short sequence in which a character had to walk through a door into a room, sit down and half a short conversation with another charater. This task was to use continuity and make a seamless sequence.

Brief for Main Task
To create a two minute opening of a film, the film can be any genre and have any story line.

As I have only started doing media this year, the prelimnary task was the first time I’d gone through the process of planning, filming and editing. The prelim was a much shorter task and less was required for it so from this I learnt the basic process which was able to help me and aid me through our main task.
During the planning of the preliminary we had to produce paperwork such as storyboards, shot lists, shooting schedules and these processes were also repeated in the main task. I also learnt how to work in a group to make decisions and listen to everyone’s ideas, and then for the main task how to blog these ideas and the planning process. 

During the filming of the prelim we had to follow continuity rules learnt in lessons such as the 180 degree rule, doing match on actions, 30 degree rule and also how to show a conversation using shot reverse shots. We used all these techniques in our main task apart from shot reverse shot. I also got to use the equipment in the prelim and learn what each piece did, in the main task we had more equipment to look after so I had to take more responsibility of it and I learnt more about the setting up of the equipment and also the paperwork for taking the equipment off site.


During the editing in the prelim and main task I learnt that a lot of the footage filmed was not needed, this was so both had continuity and worked together as a believable piece of media. In the main task even though this was a very important part we also had to look at adding effects and creating titles so the prelim helped make the editing a slightly faster process. In the main task I also learnt how to use certain programmes not used in the prelim such as Livetype. 

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